The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) says the report of the Inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the development of cities is an endorsement of its continuing efforts to have freight movement prioritised in the nation’s planning regimes.
“ALC particularly welcomes the Inquiry’s recommendation that planning at all levels include freight access as a matter of priority,” said ALC Chair Philip Davies.
“Making sure that our planning regimes properly account for freight movement has been a long-standing policy objective for ALC.”

“This includes ensuring a nationally consistent approach to corridor protection, and promoting land use planning that allows freight infrastructure to have the 24/7 operational flexibility it needs to meet a growing freight task.”
“Many of the recommendations contained in the Inquiry report can help to achieve these objectives, and promote safer and more efficient movement of freight through our supply chains.”
“ALC also welcomes the Inquiry’s recognition of the need for a national plan of settlement, so that our growing population is managed in a way that ensures our major cities remain functional and desirable places for Australians to live and work.”
“Such an approach will be essential to address issues that are already having an effect on the safety and efficiency of our supply chains, particularly road congestion.”
“We are pleased that the Inquiry’s report has noted so many of the issues around planning and freight movement that were reflected in ALC’s ownsubmission to the Inquiry, especially around the benefits of separating freight and passenger transport infrastructure.”
“The release of this report is timely, coming as the Commonwealth Government continues working with other jurisdictions on the development of a National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.”
“ALC encourages governments at all levels to give freight movement the priority it deserves in planning by incorporating these recommendations into their planning regimes.”